MUSE • Leslie Keenan

How To Start Writing A Book

Posted by in Publishing, Writing

  “Just get it down on paper, and then we’ll see what to do with it.” – Maxwell Perkins “Getting it down on paper” is the tricky part to beginning a book. Especially if the idea for a book has been floating around in your head for a while, it’s hard to know how to start. Many writers also worry about what the first line of their book will sound like. They put a lot of pressure on themselves to come up with just the right words to form a…read more


Writing Your Book: Just Begin

Posted by in Publishing, Writing

Has everyone always said to you, “You should write that down,” or “That could be a book”? You know you have specific expertise, and perhaps extraordinary experience, in your field…well, why don’t you write it down? There’s no time like the present. Many successful books started just this way (think, Tuesdays with Morrie). Don’t worry if you’re not a writer. You don’t have to be. You just have to have a good story to tell or a special insight to share. All the rest–structure, grammar, punctuation, decisions about publication–you can…read more